PhD Collaborations
Historic Royal Palaces has an established track record of supporting doctoral research, studentships and traineeships.
Former Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) have informed exhibitions and conferences on The Making of Monarchy for the Modern World (2012); Secrets of the Royal Bedchamber (2013) and our understanding of ‘reinvention and continuity’ in the making of Hampton Court Palace as a visitor attraction. A current SEAHA PhD Scholar is studying conservation strategies for ‘problem stones’, with a focus on Reigate Stone at the Tower of London.
Historic Royal Palaces supports its staff to achieve their potential as subject specialists by resourcing individual doctoral study. This has recently resulted in important new research into 14th-century royal mural-painting (2016)and previous staff PhDs have included a studies of Wolsey’s Hampton Court Place and of English household chapels (1100-1500.
Post-Doctoral fellowships are incorporated into major projects where appropriate and Historic Royal Palaces supports MA studentships and internships.