IWM has an appetite to explore new approaches and our staff's knowledge of our extensive collections and subject matter through provides a multidisciplinary grounding to how we curate and present the history of conflict. Our research projects aim to speak not just to the academic community but to all our audiences.
Accessible Pasts, Equitable Futures: is an AHRC-funded two-year project led by Early Career Research Fellow Dr Ann-Marie Foster, exploring how IWM's digital heritage collections can be made more accessible to disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent researchers.
Afghanistan: Voices of Service is a collaborative project between IWM and the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) at King’s College London seeking participants for a oral history project focused on the experience of deploying to Afghanistan between 2001-2021.
Beyond Borders: The Second World War, National Identities and Empire in the UK is an AHRC-funded project led by Professor Wendy Ugolini at the University of Edinburgh with IWM as a co-investigator. The project seeks to explore how people defined their national identity during the Second World War
GAMEHEARTS is a project led by the University of Salford and funded by Innovate UK and Horizon Europe seeking to explore the economic, social, and cultural value of the European videogame industry ecosystem. IWM is one of the project partners.
Since acquiring IRO status, IWM has led three major AHRC-funded research projects and has also acted as Co-Investigator on several other major AHRC-supported research projects. Further information about present and past research activities can be found in IWM Research pages and Annual Research Reports.
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