Research Resources
The Caird Library [ ] collection includes over 100,000 books, 20,000 pamphlets, 20,000 bound periodicals including 200 current titles and 8000 rare books spanning every aspect of maritime history, including: emigration, navigation, piracy, astronomy, shipping companies, shipwrecks, biographies, the two World Wars, horology, Merchant and Royal Navy. It includes many original documents, manuscripts, atlases, maps, sea charts and periodicals. There are 6,000 books and printed resources available to study on open access shelves. The collections are available to anyone interested in maritime history and can be accessed for free online or in person - you just need to register for a Reader's Ticket.
The Museum’s other collections are world-class in many areas, e.g. the Museum’s ship model collection, and are a unique resource for the study of maritime, social and cultural history..
There is a team of professional librarians and archivists who are available to help and advise readers at all times. There are also a number of digital resources available in the Library:
Researchers are also able to access our extensive 3D collections on request – permission for access must be sought.
Online databases for various of the Museum’s collections can be found here: